A Little Bit of Everything
So recently, one of my friends introduced me to this site called Grooveshark.  The interface is quite simple, with the home page just being a search box.  So the first thing I did was search for my favorite band, Say Anything.  Once the search was complete, over 65 songs came up that I could put into a playlist.  Now if you're not a member of Grooveshark, you can only put up to 12 songs into your playlist.  But as far as I know, you can make as many playlists you want. 

After searching for Say Anything, my next logical search was Led Zeppelin.  After searching I realized that Led Zeppelin wasn't the only thing that came up.  Symphonic Led Zeppelin popped up, brass quintet versions, and even covers.  So the site not only offers the originals, but some twists that you may have had to search a little harder for on Google or YouTube.  The first playlist I created was "classic rock orchestral," which consists of Zeppelin and Pink Floyd symphonic renditions.  Then I made a playlist that consists of the top 90s alternative rock songs, including a string quintet version of "Today" by Smashing Pumpkins. 

I like Grooveshark because unlike Pandora it doesn't just pump out random songs that it thinks you may like.  You get to pick exactly what you want and in which order you want to hear it.  And there isn't a monthly cap on how many hours you can listen to your music.  It's unlimited. 

So, check it out for yourself and tell me what you think below.

Here's the site link: Grooveshark

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